You helped me get the direction with the use of some beautiful analogies, composure, and understanding.
Entrepreneur & IIT Madras Management Student.
“I am clear now on the path ahead Sir,” “Thanks for helping me out in sorting this dilemma”
IT professional - IAS Aspirant, wasn't sure on materialising her dream on 2nd session, she responded (23rd May).
Last month Mr Soundar conducted a coaching session for our team  regarding self improvement and organisational goals. It was a wonderful feel good session where our team felt very comfortable sharing their thoughts and also took many useful inputs from Mr Soundar. He brought in a lot of positive energy to our team. I recommend Mr Soundar to companies looking to Team coaching.
G L Kumar Dhana Karthikeyan, Business Manager - Delta Stark Engineering.
I was living in a cocoon when I first met you, and I could only see the outside world with grief. I could see how things could work out and how content people were with their lives, but I would never give myself the same gift of like myself enough to believe that I could be loved by others. The first meeting, you assisted me in getting the resources I required to deal with career choice. Things that matted for me the most. I stopped for a while and connected with some people which you have suggested and found some solid reasons for my question. You helped me get the direction with the use of some beautiful analogies, composure, and understanding. I really hope that in the future seasons it will be more clear so that i could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
IIT-M Executive MBA Student.
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